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Blender Unreal Workflow Python Tools

Blender tool uses Python to export optimized meshes to Unreal and set them up in the engine

Blender tool uses Python to export optimized meshes to Unreal and set them up in the engine

The tool has 3 components to it: Validation and Export inside Blender, and Setup in Unreal Engine, streamlining the process of the workflow between both the applications

The tool has 3 components to it: Validation and Export inside Blender, and Setup in Unreal Engine, streamlining the process of the workflow between both the applications

Blender to Unreal Engine export and subsequent creation and assigning of Material Instances showcase

Blender and Unreal vary with their scale systems; Blender follows -Y axis, while Unreal follows +X, this can cause trouble with various props if not accounted; FBX files imported in Unreal Engine from Blender have world origin as designated pivot point

Blender and Unreal vary with their scale systems; Blender follows -Y axis, while Unreal follows +X, this can cause trouble with various props if not accounted; FBX files imported in Unreal Engine from Blender have world origin as designated pivot point

The two sub-components of the Blender tool for a. Validating Mesh b. Exporting Optimized Mesh

The two sub-components of the Blender tool for a. Validating Mesh b. Exporting Optimized Mesh

Validation Panel allows the user to pick and perform validation check that are visualized in the Results panel

Validation Panel allows the user to pick and perform validation check that are visualized in the Results panel

Additional feature of the tool to create an instant Unreal Character size guide for scaling reference

The Unreal part of the tool takes care of importing the meshes and textures and assign everything as Material Instances from a given Master Material. This functionality is derived from the naming convention and can accommodate batch assets.

The Unreal part of the tool takes care of importing the meshes and textures and assign everything as Material Instances from a given Master Material. This functionality is derived from the naming convention and can accommodate batch assets.